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حسيب الياس مجيد حديد
Haseeb Alias Majeed Hadeed
ادب مقارن انكليزي فرنسي
Comparative literature English-French
دراسات انكليزية باللغة الفرنسية
English Studies in french Language
كلية الاداب

المؤهلات العلمية حسيب حديد
بكالوريوس لغات اوربية (اللغة الانكليزية)
دبلوم عالي مهني علم النفس وطرائق التدريس
ميتريز ادب انكليزي
دبلوم الدراسات المعمقة ادب مقارن انكليزي –امريكي
دكتوراه ادب مقارن انكليزي- فرنسي

1- An intensive course in English language and literature, Goldsmith’s College, University of London,U.K.,1975.
2- Training course in French language and literature, University of Besançon, France,1986.
3- Training course in French language and literature, University of Grenoble,France,1988.
4- Training course in French language and literature, University of Besançon, France,1998.
5- Training course in French language and literature in Vichy- CAVILAM, FRANCE, 2009
6- A training course in the Francophone campus (the Digital Francophonie Center) at the University of Aleppo, March 2011

Scientific Researches

1- Functional Analysis of Tales, Published in Adab Al-Rafidain, University of Mosul,1987.
2- T.E. Lawrence’s Influence on André Marlaux,1988
3- The Oriental Elements in Voltaire’s Tales,1988.
4- Satire in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and in Voltaire’s Micromégas,1992.
5- The Picaresque Elements in Lesage’s Gil Blas and in Henry Fielding’s Joseph Andrews,1993.
6- The Constituant Elements of the Epic and the Novel, 1991.
7- The Influence of Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield on Daudet’s Le Petit Chose,1997.
8- The Elements of the Novel of Adventures in R.L. Stevenson’s Treasure Island and Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island.
9- The Theme of indifference in T.E. Lawrence’s “Seven Pillars of Wisdom” and in Albert Camus’ “The Outsider”.
10- Covid-19 in Dystopian Literature and Literature of Epidemics,2020


1- Principles of Translation, French-Arabic, Arabic-French, Published by the University of Mosul,1988.
2- Methodology of the Research with Dr. Mathieu GUIDERE Professor at the University of Lyon II, France, Published by Dar Ibn Al-Atheer ,University of Mosul,2007.
3- Principles of Pedagogical Translation, Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth,Liban,2013, 360p
4- Lawrence of Arabia : Mirage or reality ? Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth,Liban,2013
5- Grammar of the English Language, , Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth,Liban,2015, 400p
6- Grammar of French Language, Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth,Liban,2015, 458 p

The Books Translated by me

1- Mathieu GUIDERE : ” Publicité et Traduction” ” Translation and Advertisement” , Harmatan Paris,France,2001, 320p This book has been published by Arab Organisation of Translation in Labenon.

2- Daniel BODI: Petite grammaire de l’Akkadien à l’usage des débutants, Geuthner, Paris, 2001. Introduction to Akkadien Grammar to Beginners, 258p I have already translated this book with Mr. The Professor Khalid Salim Ismail.(under publication).

3- Traduction contemporaine: Recherches et applications ” Contemporary Translation Researches and Applications”, Proceedings of International Conference on Translation Paris,1988,158p.
4- Simultaneous Translation, Dar Al-Kotub Al-Qanoniya ,Cairo,2011.
5- Studies in Legal Translation(240p) ,Bayt Al-Hikma,Bagdad,Irak,2011
6- (Unpublished Texts from Larsa in the Old Babylonian Period, for NABU PUBLICATION LONDON,2010 ( en anglais)
7-Studies in Mesopotamian Civilization, Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth, Lebanon ,2013, 328p
8- Studies in Literary Criticism, Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth,Liban,2013, 360p
9-Journalistic Translation, Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth,Lebanon,2013, 280p
10-Translation of Political Discourse, Bayt Al-Hikma,Bagdad,Irak,2012,367p
11- Diplomatic Translation, Bayt Al-Hikma,Bagdad,Irak,2013,350p
12- La propriété intellectuelle aujourdui, Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth, Lebanon ,2014,158p
13-Publicity Transaltion, Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth, Lebanon ,2014,345p
14-Juridical Translation,T.2 Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth, Lebanon , ,296p
15-Translation and Cultural Communication, Bayt Al-Hikma,Bagdad,Irak,2014,385p
16- Introduction to Translation,DaIbn Athir, University of Mosul,2014
17- The aims of Higher Education, Dar Alkutub Alilmiya,Byrouth, 2018,Lebanon(Kagisano Number 9
The Aims of Higher Education
South African Council on Higher Education(CHE),with Prof.Dr. Muzahm AL-KHYATT,The President of the University of Ninevah.
18-Travels of Foreigners in Kurdistan during the 17th,18th,19th, centuries,403p
19- The Transtextuality, Under publication
20- Holmes, Lorraine: The Concept of Political Responsibility, Durham University Office,2009 ( under publication)
21- Translation and Globalization, under publication Bayt Al-Hikma, Bagdad, Irak
22- French travelers in Kurdistan in the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries, Dar Sardam, Al-Suleimaniya, Kurdistan, 2016

23-Abdulaziz Muhsen Barzani : Pensée et philosophie de la voie de Barzani, Dans les paroles de l’immortel Barzani,
Traduit par Dr. Haseeb HADEED, 2021, (354) pages
(23-Abdulaziz Muhsen Barzani: Thought and philosophy of the way of Barzani, In the words of the immortal Barzani,
Translated by Dr. Haseeb HADEED, 2021, (354) pages)(in French language)


1- The Mask in Stendhal’s Le Rouge et le Noir.
2- Man in Ionesco’s Theatre.
3- The Novelistic Setting in Andre Gide’s Pastoral Symphony.
4- The Mythical Character in Giraudoux’s Theatre.
5- The Image of Woman in Apollinaire’s Poetry.
6- Silence and language in Samuel Beckett’s “ Waiting for Godot”
7- The literary translation in language class
8- Simultaneous translation: Pedagogical and Methodological Approaches.
9- The translation of journalistic texts: Methods and Applications.
10- The legal translation difficulties and solutions
11- Methodological Approaches of Teaching Diplomatic Translation for Special Purpose
12- Supervision of doctoral dissertations in English literature –

1- Oriental Features in the Tales of Chaucer’s-Canterbury and Other Selected Works – Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Jassim Al-Khashab
2- The social and political criticism of Ibsen, Bernard Shaw and Brecht – Dr. Azhar Suleiman Saleh


1- 1974-1978 Research Assistant in English Department, College of Arts, University of Mosul.
2- 1978-1979 Teacher of English in a secondary school, Mosul.
3- 1985- Assistant Professor at the French Department, College of Arts, University of Mosul.


1- More than 150 articles translated from English into Arabic and from French into Arabic published in the Iraqi newspapers and magazines in Iraq from 1975 on
Some Articles translated from English into Arabic and published in Manahil Jami’ya, University of Mosul

1- The names of the months in Mesopotamia, with Professor Khalid Salim Ismail, 2006.
2- Aspects from social life of the Assyrians, Mosuliat, 2007.
3- Incestuous Relations in Babylon and the legislations, 2007.
4- Population Increase in the World,2007.
5- The Sea as a source of food, Al – Jame’a ,1975.
6- The history of the city of Nineveh – Dr. Haseeb Hadeed and Professor Saif Luqman, House of Mosul, 2013-
7- ) – The origin of the name of the city of Nineveh and its location are Dr. Haseeb Alias Hadeed and Saif Luqman, Bayt Al-Mosul 2013
8- 10- Parapsychology, translated by Dr. Haseeb Alias Hadeed, Almouthaqaf, 2013 –
9- – The economy in ancient Iraq, written by A. Limit, translated by Dr. Haseeb Alias Hadeed, Al-Mouthaqaf newspaper, April,2021
10- Lawrence of Arabia and Arab clothes Dr. Haseeb Alias Hadeed, Al-Mouthaqaf newspaper – April 2019-
11- Legal Studies: Execution of Administrative Contracts … An Overview by Jean Rivero, Translated by Dr. Haseeb Alias Hadeed, Al-Mouthaqaf newspaper, April 2021
12- Lawrence of Arabia and the Arabic language- Translated by Dr. Haseeb Alias Hadeed, Al-Mouthaqaf newspaper, April 2021
13- Lawrence of Arabia and the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, by Dr. Haseeb Alias Hadeed, Al-Mouthaqaf newspaper, April, 2021
14- Lawrence of Arabia: A asociable personality, by Dr. Haseeb Alias Hadeed, Al-Mouthaqaf newspaper, April, 2021

General Articles published in Manahil Jamea’ya

1- The Revival of Ashurbanipal’s Library and the Establishment of High Institute of Cuneiforme Studies, 2007
2- Eiffel Tower, 2006
3- Louvre, 2006.
4- The Grand mosque in Paris, 2006.
5- Arab World Institute in Paris, IMA, 2006
6- The Sorbonne,2006.
7- Paris National Library, BNP, 2006.
8- The Defense Quarter in Paris, 2007.
9- Versailles, 2007.
10- The Métro of Paris, 2007.
11- National Centre of Scientific Research ,CRNS, 2007.
12- Centre of Pompidou, 2007.

Juror translator in French and English and legal expert in translation licensed by the Supreme Judiciary Council, B.A., High Professional Diploma and Docteur ès Lettres from France.Member of Iraqi Translators Association.

Research accounts

1- Satire in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and in Voltaire’s Micromégas,1992.
2- L’Indifférence dans L’Etranger de Camus et “Les sept piliers de la sagesse ” de T.E. Lawrence.
3- Les éléments picaresques dans “Gil Blas” de Lesage et “Joseph Andrews”de Fielding,1993.
