This user has not added any information to their profile yet. Personal information أ سعد علي حسن الطعان Saad Ali Hasan Al-Taan هندسة مدنية Civil Engineering هندسة انشائية Structural engineering كلية الهندسة عميد الكلية Languages 1972-1971: معيد في قسم الهندسة المدنية / كلية الهندسة / جامعة الموصل Research accounts Deformation and ultimate strength in flexure of reinforced concrete beams made with steel fiber concrete; R. N. Swamy, and S. A. Al-Taan, ACI Journal 78 (5), 395-405. Evaluation of Shear Strength of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beams, S. A. Al-Taan, and J. R. AlFeel, Cement and Concrete Composites 12, 87-94. Steel Fibers for Controlling Cracking and Deflection, R. N. Swamy, S. A. Al-Taan, and S. A. R. Ali, Concrete International 1 (8), 41-49. Flexural analysis of reinforced fibrous concrete members using the finite element method, S. A. Al-Taan, and N. A. Ezzadeen, Computers & structures 56 (6), 1065-1072. Breakout capacity of headed anchors in steel fibre normal and high strength concrete, S. A. Al-Taan, A. K. A. Mohammed, and A.A.R. Al-Jaffal, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (7), 485-496.