حالة حساب المستخدم هذا تمّت الموافقة

لم يقم هذا المستخدم بإضافة أي معلومات إلى ملفه الشخصي بعد.

معلومات شخصية
طه حسين علي السالم
Taha Hussein Ali AL-Salim
جيولوجيا عامة
General Geology
جيولوجيا مصادر المياه
Water Resource Geology
كلية الهندسة
رئيس قسم

1- بكالوريوس جيولوجيا عامة / جامعة الموصل
2- ماجستير هايدروجيولوجي / جامعة الموصل
3- دكتوراه جيولوجيا مصادر المياه / جامعة درهام

1- تدريس المواد التالية في قسم الجيولوجي / كلية العلوم وقسم تقانات البيئية / كلية البيئة / جامعة الموصل
1-الجيولوجيا العامة , 2- الهايدروجيولوجي 3- الهايدروجيوكيمياء 4- الجيولوجيا الهندسية
2- الاشراف على (12) طالب ماجستير في جامعة الموصل كلية العلوم وكلية البيئة
3- انجازمشروعين في منطقة /سنجار ومشروع في منطقة قرب القيارة وذلك بالقيام بالمسح الجيوفيزياء حول وجود الغوالق وامتداداتها و وجود الكارست وامتداداته.
4- رئيس قسم العلوم الهندسية في مركز التحسس النائي 1998- 2002.
5- مدير مرك التحسس النائي عام 2002.
6- رئيس قسم تقانات البيئة للفترة 2012-2016 في كلية علوم البيئة .
7- رئيس قسم هندسة النفط في كلية الهندسة جامعة النور من 2022 ولحد الان .
8- انجاز ونشر (24) بحثا في مجلات عراقية , عربية وعالمية .

حسابات بحثية

. The study of water bearing formation using morpho tectonic analysis in Bashiqa area,5th Scientific Conference of Suddam Center for Dams and water Resources Research , April 2000.
2. Water quality of Kirkuk area, Iraqi J. of Earth science, Vol.1, No.1, pp1-8, 2001
3. Aquifer mapping and recharge area of the lower part of the Al-Khoser basin, North of Mosul, North of Iraq. Iraqi J. of Earth science, Vol.1, No.2, pp25-35, 2001.
4. Ground water quality of Al- Rasheedia and Guba area, NW of Mosul City Iraq. Raffidean J.sci. Vol.12, No.4, pp35-46, 2001.
5. Under ground cavities in Al-Mogher, South Mosul City –A case study. Raffidean J.sci. Vol.12, No.3, pp66-75, 2001.
6. Mathematical model of Ground Water Flow of Bashiqa area, North Iraq, Jour of Erath science vol. 4, No. 2, 2004.
7. A Reconnaissance detection of caves and subsurface channels by horizontal electrical profiling , Jour of Erath science vol. 6, No. 1, 2006 pp 64-73 .
8. Ground water quality of AL-Quair Area south of Mosul city / North of Iraq,4th conference of ASTF in Syria between 11-14 Jan. 2006.
9. Variation of chemical constituents of water quality of Wadi AL-Rasheedia basin /North of Mosul city . conference in Turkey / Anqara between 16-22 April 2007.
10. Formulation of Ground Water Pollution Index of Selected Well of Mosul City. 2006, A Conference of United Arab Company for Training and Administrative Consulting in Egypt- Cairo.

11. Ground Water Pollution and its Effect on Human Health of Mosul Area , N. Iraq. 2008, Medical Geology Symposium ,Turkey- Ankara.
12. Ground Water Quality of bartella Area , NE of Mosul City, N. Iraq. 2008, INSHAB Conference Held in India.
13. Dissolution between gypsum beds and ground Water North of Mosul and its Effect on Ground Water Quality and Construction. 2008, Proceeding of the Symposium Disasters Management and Safety of Building, In Arab Countries. Saudi Arabia, Al-Riyadh.
14. Calculation of hydraulic properties of Al-Shemal District / Sinjar area / North of Iraq. 2008, Iraqi Earth Science Jour. Vol. (8) No. (1).
15. Variation of Ground Water Quality of Telkaif Area , North of Mosul City, Iraq, 2009, Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, No. 138, pp 69-78, ISSN: 0026-4563. Turkey, Ankara.
16. Global Warming, 2009,Proceeding of the International Symposium on Disaster Management , Saudi Arabia, Al-Riyadh, pp 635-651.
17- Evaluation of Springs Water for irrigation of Ain Talawi Area and The Surrounding Villages N-W of Iraq. Mesoopotamia J. of Agriculture, Vol. (38), No. (1), 2010.
18- Effects of Recharge area and drainage system on groundwater quality of Telkaif area/ north of Iraq. Journal of Environmental studies, JES, Vol.,VIII: 9-16.
19- Rainwater harvesting of Wadi Al-Kassab catchment’s area by weir construction, West of Mosul City, north of Iraq.
Journal of Geology and Mining Research Vol. 3(12), pp. 318-324, December 2011.
20-Using GIS Technique in Hydrological Study Of Wadi Al-Shoar Basin North Iraq. IACIT, Al-Riyadh, 11-14 Dec. 2011.
21-Pollution Risk of water Quality on Human and Aquatic Life of
Tigris River Reach in Mosul City / North Iraq. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, Vol.5, No.13, 2015, pp.(170-176).
22- Assessments of water quality index (WQI) for Tigris River in Mosul City North of Iraq. IJLRET, Vol.02, pp. 82-93, August 2016.
23-Effectsof lateral flow on water quality of Tigris River reach in Mosul City / North of Iraq, Journal of current Engineering and Technology, V. 6, March 2024.
24-Groundwater drinking and agricultural uses of al-Rasheedia and Guba Area North of Mosul City, Global Journal of applied science and Technology, V.6, August 2024.

Participation in Conferences and workshops

* Participation and attendance in a training course in Stuttgart University in Germany between 25th Jan. – 4th Feb. 2005 in water management ,water supply, water resources hydraulics .
* Participation and Attendance the Medical Geology Conference Held in Nottingham , U.K. between 2-4 Mar. 2009.
* Participation and Attendance the Medical Geology Conference Held in Turkey , Ankara between 6-9 Feb. 2008.
* Participation and Attendance the International Symposium on Disaster Management Held in Saudi Arabia, Al-Riyadh, Between 3-6 Oct. 2009 .
* Participation and Attendance the conference of United Arab Company for training and administrative consulting in Egypt between 5-7 Jan. 2006.
* Participation and Attendance the 60th Geological Conference Held in Turkey / Ankara between 16-22 April 2007.
* Participation and Attendance the ASTF Conference Held In Syria – Damascus Between 11-14 Jan. 2006.
* Participation and Attendance the 2nd International Conference Held in Turkey / Antalia between 14-18 oct. 2012.
* Participation and Attendance the Frontiers Meeting 2012: Nanogeoscience A new frontier in science and technology for earth and environmental systems, 10 Dec. 2012 , The geological Society, London.
* Presentation a lectures on the groundwater quality of the Ninevah Region to the research and postgraduate students of the school of geography, Univ. of Nottingham, UK, 27-30 March 2012.

M.Sc. Research Supervision:

1- Hydrogeology of Wadi Al- Shoar Basin. – 2000.

2- Hydrogeochimecal study of selected wells in Mosul City and formulation of pollution Index for the ground water of the study area. -2000
3- Hydrogeology of Bashiqa area, Northern Iraq and mathematical model for ground water flow within the area. 2000
4- Hydrologic system observation and rain water harvesting in alluvial fans in Jabel Sinjar using remote sensing data. -2002
5- Geomorphological study to the archeological channel at the left side of the Tigris river (Utilizing Remote Sensing Techniques). -2002
6- Hydrogeological study and ground water flow modeling of Al- Gwair area South Mosul. 2003
7- Hydrogeology of Sinu area Northwest Mosul City Northern Iraq. 2003.
8- Hydrogeological study of Nineveh Plain north east of Mosul/north of Iraq. 2011
9- Hydrogeological study of Wadi Al-Kassab catchment’s area , West of Mosul City, North of Iraq. 2014
10- Hydrogeological Study of Alkosh – Kund Catchment Area North of MosulNorth of Iraq . 2015.
11- Hydrogeology of Al-Sheikhan Sub-Basin Northern of Mosul North of Iraq. 2015.
12- Environmental Effects of Sewage and Pollutants of factories and Sewerage on Tigris River reach between Al-Rasheedia and Al-Qiara. 2017
